We are the Neighbourhood Forum for Belmont, South Cheam,
Shanklin Village, South Sutton and Carshalton Beeches
All Action on the Sutton Hospital site
November 2017

Discussions on whether or not a new hospital might appear in Belmont are likely to run for several years.
In the immediate future (in some cases now), a number of projects are already under way.
Several members have contacted us, confused about what is going on and whether what they have heard of are either / or developments.
Be assured none of the projects below are alternatives; they are all happening now or in the near future.
Construction for the new school for which planning approval was eventually granted on the 31st August. We are part of a working group that has been set up to consider the impact of the development on the area round the school during the construction phase and eventually when the school opens. We are still awaiting news on the proposals for the redesign of the junction of Cotswold Road and Chiltern Road with Brighton Road.
Modifications to Cumbrian House to make it suitable as temporary accommodation for the new school will be started early next year now that the planning application has been approved by the Planning Committee.
The Institute of Cancer Research started a 20 week programme in October 2017 to carry out the earthworks needed for them to build their new research laboratories on the land to the south of Chiltern Road. We have asked that no heavy lorries leave the site via Cotswold Road to the north and instead head south down Sutton Lane towards Banstead. We have ensured that Pelton Road and Downs Road are specifically forbidden.
In preparation for the build of the Maggie Centre at the rear of the Royal Marsden Hospital, a new rear access road is nearing completion. This runs straight from the existing Cotswold Road entrance towards the ICR, through where the old swimming pool was located (now demolished!). This will also be used for rear entry to the Royal Marsden Hospital.