We are the Neighbourhood Forum for Belmont, South Cheam,
Shanklin Village, South Sutton and Carshalton Beeches
Neighbourhood Forum Area
The Belmont, South Cheam, Shanklin Village, South Sutton and Carshalton Beeches area is currently the subject of imminent and extensive pressure for re-development and regeneration which will have significant implications and challenges for the local environment, transport infrastructure and local economy of the area.
This pressure is largely due to the aspirations of the London Borough of Sutton (the Council) and its partners for the old Sutton Hospital site and to regenerate it as the “London Cancer Hub”. This could see the number of employees on the site rise from around 3,000 today to over 10,000 in the future.

Other changes include:
The Harris Academy Sutton secondary school being built on part of the old Sutton Hospital site
The possibility of a new 500 bed Acute Care Unit on another part of the old Sutton Hospital site
ongoing challenges from developers in the low density residential areas of South Cheam, South Sutton and Carshalton Beeches and their respective Areas of Special Local Character
...to name just a few!
All of these pressures, if realised, will have a significant impact on the existing residential and business community within the Belmont, South Sutton and South Cheam area. This, in turn, will put an enormous strain on the local infrastructure and is likely to overload roads, public transport, schools, health facilities, care homes and many more aspects of everyday life.
With all of these changes on the horizon, it is important that we are on the "front foot" and are not simply overwhelmed with what might happen.
We could simply resist all change in the area and try to maintain the status quo. But this would be burying our heads in the sand and not facing up to the inevitable. Also, not everything is perfect in the area now; roads are congested and public transport is poor. If planned properly, change, and the investment it should bring, could actually make our area better.
However, we must ensure that everyone who lives and works in the local area feels included in these changes and ensure that they result in a better quality of life for all. We are doing this through the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.
Find out more about Neighbourhood Planning and our plan in particular here.
To help shape our plan, we have established a Neighbourhood Forum comprising local residents and businesses. The Forum has to have a minimum membership of 21 people who must live, work or represent organisations relevant to the Neighbourhood Area, together with elected Members from Wards in the Neighbourhood Area.
This Forum is responsible for the formation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan thereby enabling the local community to have a major say in determining its own future.
Our Forum comprises representatives from the 4 large Residents Associations in the area plus local businesses.
Find out more about our Forum and its aspirations here.
We are currently in the process of drafting the Neighbourhood Plan for our area. Click here to see a map of the area covered by our Neighbourhood Plan.
But we cannot do this alone. We need your input...

We need to know what you want for our area and what your views are on our proposals as these emerge. Ideally, we would like you to come to our public meetings, but, if you can’t do this, please give us written feedback, preferably by email.
There are over 4,000 households in the Forum’s area and it is not practical for us to notify everyone by door drops every time we have something new to say. If you want to be kept informed, there are a number of ways that you can get involved and provide your input to the plan...
Belmont Post office may re-open
December 2017
Epsom and St Helier 2020-2030 : Consultation Conclusions
November 2017
All action on the Sutton Hospital site
November 2017
Epsom and St Helier 2020-2030: Potential plans for healthcare reformation in our area revealed
September 2017
South Cheam's Burton Estates Area of Special Local Character Design Guidelines now formally adopted
July 2017

This website is still in development and we are keen to make it as useful as possible. If you have any comments on any aspect of the site, we'd love to hear it.

Come to one of our public meetings - click here for the list of upcoming meeting dates
Subscribe to our e-Bulletin
Email us at belmontvision@bscra.com
Check this website
Watch the Belmont Village Noticeboard (Station Road)
Talk to your Residents Association’s representative