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Below are some open questions that we have posed at recent public meetings.

If you weren’t able to make the meetings, please send your feedback by clicking here

or email us at



  • Our Plan needs to identify opportunities for new homes.  The Council’s new Local Plan aims to deliver at least 6,405 new homes in the Borough over the next 15 years (427 homes per annum).  How many of these could / should be within our area and where?  Should we identify sites for future higher density expansion?

  • What type of housing demand should we be seeking to provide (flats, family homes, down-sizing accommodation)?

  • What should our attitude be towards care homes in our area?


  • South Cheam’s Burton Estates Area of Special Local Character (ASLC) designation has been reinforced by its recently adopted Character Appraisal (see below).  Should we have similar documents for the other ASLCs in our area (e.g. Queens Road, South Sutton, Pine Walk etc)?


3.1 Roads
  • Which road junctions need improving? (e.g. Downs Road – Cotswold Road, Chiltern Road – Brighton Road, Northdown Road – A217)

  • Should we propose solutions to reduce rat running through Chiltern Road, Crossways or Belmont Village?

  • Is Downs Road fit for purpose; is it dangerous, does it have sufficient capacity for the entrance to a major hospital?  If not, what solution would you like to see?  Possible options?

  • Would more 20mph zones be desirable?

  • Is there congestion on Brighton Road that needs tackling?

  • Is there sufficient road capacity for an additional 7,000 employees at the proposed London Cancer Hub?


3.2 Parking
  • Is parking around schools a problem and if so what would you like to see done about it?

  • Is there a lack of parking in Belmont Village?

  • Is overnight white van parking a problem; if so, what should we do about it?


3.3 Modes of Transport
  • What would encourage more people to cycle?

  • What would encourage more people to walk?

  • What is needed to make it safer for children to walk to school?


3.4 Public Transport
  • What commuting services are needed into and out of the area? 

  • Is there demand for a better train service from Belmont Station; is the service regular enough, does it go to the right places, is there demand for a better weekend service?

  • Do we want the Tram to come to Belmont?  If so, should this travel along Brighton Road or the railway track?

  • We are told buses are overcrowded; which routes need additional capacity?

  • Where do you travel to by car that you would travel to by public transport if a suitable service was available?





  • Making our local retail centres more vibrant

  • Education, health, social and community infrastructure

  • Open space improvements





Getting your ideas into our Neighbourhood Plan is a tangible way of making things happen.  We have spent a lot of time and effort getting ourselves into the position of being able to prepare a plan which the Council has to take notice of.  Now we need your help to take advantage of this opportunity and to capture ALL of your ideas to make our area better.


To give us your feedback on any of the questions posed above, ​please send us a message by clicking here or email us at


© 2021 BelmontVision

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